Posted by Aarthy

*A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he
thought she might need a hearing aid.

Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.

Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from
her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."

That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in
the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what

Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?"

No response.

So the husband moves to closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his
wife and repeats, "Honey, what's for dinner?"

Still no response.

Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his
wife and asks, Honey, what's for dinner?"

Again he gets no response so,

He walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. "Honey, what's for dinner?"

Again there is no response.

So he walks right up behind her. "Honey, what's for dinner?"




"James, for the FIFTH time I've said, CHICKEN!"

Moral of the story:
The problem may not be with the other person as we always think, could be
very much within us..!


Posted by Aarthy

In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this Rupee 500 note?"

Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this note to one of you
but first let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the note up.
He then asked, "Who still wants it?"

Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and
started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all
crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?"
Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson.
No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not
decrease in value. It was still worth Rupee 500/-.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt
by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as
though we are worthless.
But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose
your value.

You are special. Don't ever forget it! Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams.



Posted by Aarthy

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.

From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?
To this Arthur Ashe replied:
"The world over -- 50 million children start playing tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis, 500,000 learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, when I was holding a cup I never asked GOD 'Why me?'.
And today in pain I should not be asking GOD 'Why me?' "

"Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep you Strong, Sorrow keeps you Human, Failure keeps you humble and Success keeps you glowing, but only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going...

The 99 Club!!!

Posted by Aarthy

Once upon a time, there lived a King who, despite his luxurious lifestyle, was neither happy nor content.

One day, he came upon a servant who was singing happily while he worked. This fascinated the King; why was he, the Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom, unhappy and gloomy, while a lowly servant was happy.

The King asked the servant, "Why are you so happy?"
The man replied, "Your Majesty, I am nothing but a servant, but my family and I don't need too much — just a roof over our heads and warm food to fill our tummies."

The king was not satisfied with that reply. Later in the day, he sought the advice of his most trusted advisor. After hearing the King's woes and the servant's story, the advisor said, "Your Majesty, I believe that the servant has not been made part of The 99 Club."

"The 99 Club? And what exactly is that?" The King inquired. The advisor replied, "Your Majesty, to truly know what The 99 Club is, let's place 99 Gold coins in a bag and leave it at this servant's doorstep."

Next day the servant saw the bag, picked it up and took it in. When he opened the bag, he let out a great shout of joy... So many gold coins!

He began to count them. After several counts, he was at last convinced that there were 99 coins. "What could've happened to that last gold coin? Surely, no one would leave 99 coins!" he wondered. He looked everywhere he could, but that final coin was elusive.

Finally, exhausted, he decided that he would have to work harder than ever to earn that one gold coin and complete his collection.

And from that day, the servant's life was changed. He was overworked, horribly grumpy, and castigated his family for not helping him make that 100th coin. He stopped singing while he worked.

Witnessing this drastic transformation, the King was puzzled. When he sought his advisor's help, the advisor said, "Your Majesty, the servant has now officially joined The 99 Club..." He continued, "The 99 Club is a name given to those people who have enough to be happy but are never contented, because they're always yearning and striving for that extra one, telling themselves: "Let me get that one final thing and then I will be happy for life."

That's what joining The 99 Club is all about. Do you want to join this Club?

Posted by Aarthy

I chased Love...i Found Friendship...

I chased desire....i Found hope....

I chased reality....i Found dreams...

I chased "supandi".....i Found YOU....

Posted by Aarthy

What is peak of poverty?

When a world famous actress is ready to kiss u
for only two rupee..


u have only 1.75!!!!

Posted by Aarthy

Difference between "coffee shop and wine shop"

Love starts in "Coffee shop"!!!!

Love ends in "Wine shop"!!!

Posted by Aarthy

Professor : What is "Attention Deficit Hyper active disorder"?

Student : ஜிம்பலக்கடி பம்பா

Professor : I dont understand anything!!

Student : Sir எனக்கும் அப்படி தான இருக்கும் ?!!

Posted by Aarthy

1008 மேடு பள்ளம் ,
1008 கல்லு முள்ளு இருக்கதான் செய்யும்


நல்ல quality ஆனா "chappal" வாங்கி போட்டுகோங்க.....

Posted by Aarthy

101 கும் 103 கும் நடுவுல என்ன இருக்கும்?


நடுவுல '0' தான் இருக்கும்.

என்னை பண்ணுறது நம்ம knowledge அப்படி....

Technology impact

Posted by Aarthy

Father email's son :

Dear son,
How are u dear? ur mom and I miss u a lot. Please turn off ur computer and come downstairs for dinner.

Love DAD.

Posted by Aarthy

1) U can study and get any certificates. But u cannot get ur death certificate

2) U may have AIRTEL or BSNL connection but when u sneeze you will always say HUTCH

3 ) U can become an engineer if u study in engineering college. U cannot become a president if u studies in Presidency College

4 ) U can expect a BUS from a BUS stop ... u cannot expect a FULL from FULL stop

5) A mechanical engineer can become a mechanic but a software engineer cannot become a software

6 ) U can find tea in teacup. But cannot find world in world cup

7) U can find keys in Keyboard but u cannot find mother in motherboard.

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Sometimes the world gives me so many reasons to hate it
whenever it happens..
I just stop and think of you
and say :
"How can i hate this world when you are a part of it..!"

Posted by Aarthy

Never blame a day in your life.

Good days gives you happiness.
Bad days gives you experience.

Both are essential in life!
All are God's blessings.

Heart breaking news for Sania Mirza Lovers!!!!!

Posted by Aarthy

Pretty Indian Tennis star Sania Mirza is getting engaged with Sohrab Mirza today(10-July-2009).

This may be a heart breaking news for Sania Mirza lovers.

This will also become a sad news for tennis lovers(like me!!) if she is gonna get retirement from the tennis competition too early....

Posted by Aarthy

ஒருவரை ஒருவர்
அடக்க முயசிக்காமல்
"உனக்கு நான், எனக்கு நீ'
என்கிற பகிர்தலோடு
வாழும்போதுதான் ,
தாம்பத்தியம் இனிக்கும்.

அடக்க முயற்சித்தால்
உறவுகள் வளராது;
மனங்கள் நெருங்காது.

'அடக்காதே!' என்கிற
இந்த ஒற்றை சொல்தான்
மிக முக்கிய
சந்தோஷ பார்முலா!

வெற்றியின் ரகசியம்

Posted by Aarthy

தோல்வி வெற்றியின் முதல் படி
முயற்சி வெற்றியின் இரண்டாம் படி
நம்பிக்கை வெற்றியின் மூன்றாம் படி
உழைப்பு வெற்றியின் நான்காம் படி
தடைகள் வெற்றியின் புதையல்
தடங்கள் வெற்றியின் தடங்கள்
தட்டுங்கள் திறக்கப்படும்
தேடுங்கள் கிடைத்துவிடும் வெற்றி!!


Posted by Aarthy

கல்வியை இழந்தவன் அறிவில் ஏழை !
பணத்தை இழந்தவன் செல்வத்தில் ஏழை !
நண்பனை இழந்தவன் நட்பில் ஏழை !
வேலையை இழந்தவன் உழைப்பில் ஏழை !
மனதை இழந்தவன் மனதில் ஏழை !
உறவை இழந்தவன் பலத்தில் ஏழை !
வாய்மையை இழந்தவன் பேச்சில் ஏழை !
மகிழ்ச்சியை இழந்தவன் சிரிப்பில் ஏழை !

Posted by Aarthy

Problem of solving a problem is not a problem,
when a problem solves a problem without any problem
the problem is not at all a problem..


Posted by Aarthy

Confidence never comes if we have all the answers
it comes when we are ready for all questions..

So be bold to face the world.

Posted by Aarthy

Troubles are like washing machines,
they twist, turn and knock us around,
at the end we come out
cleaner,brighter and better than before.

Posted by Aarthy


Gandhi - could write with both hands

Napolean - could sleep even while riding a horse..!

Leonardo da vinci - could write with one hand and draw with other simultaneously..!

Students - could listen to class, takes notes on one hand, message with other hand, look outside through the window, make serious discussions with the neighbours, sketch the lecturers face on the desks, dream about boy/girl friend and also have a good sleep simultaneously..!!

We r the real LEGENDS....

செல்போன் டவர்

Posted by Aarthy

நான் நடு தெருவில் நிற்கிறேன்
நீங்கள் உங்கள் உறவுகளோடு உறவாட !!

Posted by Aarthy

Winter comes again and again
Summer comes again and again
person like you
never born again and again
God never makes mistakes again and again,

Posted by Aarthy

Have a heart that never breaks,
Have a smile that never fades,
Have a touch that never hurts
Have a friendship that never ends, LIKE OURS!

Posted by Aarthy

Friendship is

vast like universe,
deep like ocean,
high like iron,
kind like mother,
cute like me
sweet like you.

Posted by Aarthy

Someone asked me "For how long will you both be friends?"

I remained silent
I didn't know which one is longer...
"Always" or "Forever"

Posted by Aarthy

Arguments may win the situation but it will not win one's heart!
when a situation comes, decide

whether you want to win
the situation
the person heart

Posted by Aarthy

Friendship is the rainbow between two hearts

Sharing of 7 feelings :
Secret &

Posted by Aarthy

Five lessons to learn from a pencil

1) Everything you do leaves a mark.

2) You can always correct your mistakes

3) Important is whats inside u, not outside of you.

4)In life you will undergo painful sharpenings, which make you better in what you do.

5) To be the best, allow yourself to be held and guided by the hand that holds you.

Posted by Aarthy

To love someone is natural,
to be loved by someone is luck,
to live with someone u love is achievement,
to live with someone who loves you is LIFE...

Posted by Aarthy

If you care and love someone,
don't ever loose a grip on that person.


U never know, the one you left go
might be
the one you have waited for all your life.

Posted by Aarthy

How many times i told u to take care of your things.
Now see what you have done.

You had left your heart to me.
Don't worry i will take care of it...

Posted by Aarthy

My nights are going sleepless
My days are going useless
I asked God...Is this love?

God replies...Idiot semester is coming prepare for it..!!

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

1+3 =4

என்ன ?
முழிகிரிங்க ...
நாங்கல்லாம் நாலும்
தெரிஞ்சவங்க !
Be Careful....

Posted by Aarthy

Birds எல்லாம் ஏன் வெளி நாட்டுல இருந்து இங்க பறந்து வருதுன்னு தெரியுமா?

ஏன் ?

வந்தா லேட்
ஆகும் ...அதான் ..!!!

Posted by Aarthy

அழகு ரோஜாக்கள் கூட உன் புன்னகையை பார்த்தல் ,
ஒரு நொடி சிந்திக்கும் ...

யாரு பெத்த புள்ளயோ
இப்படி மெண்டல் மாதிரி
சிரிச்சுகிட்டு இருக்குனு ....

Posted by Aarthy

உலக மொபைல் சரித்திரத்தில் முதல் முறையாக

உங்கள் மொபைல்இல் "3D" message


Posted by Aarthy

படிப்பு - உயர்வு தரும்
உயர்வு - பணம் தரும்
பணம் - திமிரை தரும்
திமிர் - ஆணவம் தரும்


நாம் படிப்பை எதிர்போம்
Rest எடுப்போம்

Posted by Aarthy

Father: Rank card எங்க da?

Son: இந்தாங்கப்பா .

Father: அட பாவி 5 subject லயும் faila? இனிமேல் என்னை அப்பான்னு கூபிடதே ..!

Son: சரிடா மச்சான் scena போடாம signa போடு ...

Posted by Aarthy

cellphone using is very dangerous and it damages the BRAIN.


You are so lucky

No Brain!
No Damage!
No Problem!

So u dont worry...

Posted by Aarthy

ஆட்டு கால்ல சூப் வைக்கலாம்
கோழி கால்ல சூப் வைக்கலாம்


Missed கால்ல சூப் வைக்க முடியுமா ?

முறைகாம யோசிங்க ....

Posted by Aarthy

Man1: என்னடா மாப்ள ரொம்ப நாளா phoneநய்யே காணும் ?

Man2: நல்லா தேடி பாரு மச்சான் சத்தியமா நான் எடுகல...!!!!

Posted by Aarthy

Today is

"Message delete day"

so delete this sms and continue ur work.

Posted by Aarthy

The world's best feeling comes when u see a wonderful question
paper in the semester hall and then u smile and say :

"இந்த paperum போச்சா ?"

Posted by Aarthy

Love is a

"English word"

இந்த interesta படிப்புல காட்டி இருந்தா எப்பவோ உருப்பட்டு இருக்கலாம் ......

Posted by Aarthy

Typical BE question paper:

what is the solution for 2+2?

A) 4

ippo theriyutha?
yean students arrear vaikuranganu...

Posted by Aarthy

Interaction in different ages:

LKG - Girl: pencil tharuviya?
Boy: missukitta soliduvean!

4th Std - Girl: pencil tharuviya?
Boy: indha....

12th Std - Girl: pen koduka mudiyuma?
Boy: oh my vaenuma, blue vaenuma, green vaenuma?

College - Boy: un pen sariya ezhudhalanu ninaikirean...Indha ennoda pen use panniko..!

Office - Boy: pudhusa pen vangunean, ezhidhi pathutu kudu!


Posted by Aarthy

Ayyo Ayyayo Ayyo Ayyayo
Ayyo Ayyayo Ayyo Ayyayo
Ayyo Ayyayo Ayyo Ayyayo
Ayyo Ayyayo Ayyo Ayyayo
Ayyo Ayyayo Ayyo Ayyayo
Ayyo Ayyayo Ayyo Ayyayo
Ayyo Ayyayo Ayyo Ayyayo

Eppadi unna adikkamale kattha vachean paathiya?

I'm a SMS killer...Be careful...

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Does Management know their staffs???

Posted by Aarthy

On walking into the factory, the MD noticed a young guy leaning against
the wall, doing nothing.

He approached the young man and calmly said to him, 'How much do you
The young man was quite amazed that he was asked such a personal
question, he replied, none the less, 'I earn $ 2 000.00 a month, Sir.

Without answering, the MD took out his wallet and removed $6000.00 cash
and gave it to the young man and said, 'Around here I pay people for
working, not for standing around looking pretty! Here is your 3 months
salary, now GET OUT and don't come back'.
The young man turned around and was quickly out of sight.

Noticing a few onlookers, the MD said in a very upset manner, 'And that
applies for everybody in this company'.
He approached one of the onlookers and asked him, 'Who's the young man
that I just fired?'

To which an amazing reply came of, 'He was the pizza delivery man,

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy

Posted by Aarthy


Eg., Exam'ku padippathai marappom
Nammai fail pannum professorai manippom....

Posted by Aarthy

Stop ur work.

Relax ur mind

Go 2 bed

Pray to God.

Think 2day Activities.

Finally u come 2 a decision

"innaikum vettiya dhan pochu"

Posted by Aarthy

a drunken man falls from 1st floor!

people gathered aroung and asked him, "what happened sir?"

he said, "i dont know, i also came just now..!"

Posted by Aarthy

Anbil neenga singam

Arivil neenga nari

alagil neenga annam

porumaiyil neenga nathai

vegathil neenga puli

anbil neenga maan


neenga oru manusa jenmame illa...

Posted by Aarthy

Enna vidithiyasam theriyuma?

Tea'la oru (E) irukum

Coffe'la rendu (EE) irukum..


Paathu kudinga....

Posted by Aarthy

"Vilipoam" endra nampikaiyil thoonguvadhai vida



endra latchiyathodu thoongunga..

Try pannunga Please..!!!

Posted by Aarthy

Life romba fasta pogudhuilla,
yosichu paarean

nee nethu thaan kulicha maadhiri irukum aana
adhukulla oru maasam agiduchu!!!!


Posted by Aarthy

Unga veetla "erumbu" thollai iruka?

adha close panna super idea!!

Sugar-la chilli powder mix panni vechidunga,
Erumbu adha sugar-nu saapidum,
appo adhoda "naaku" kaarathulaerium,
appo Erumbu thaani kudika water Tank-ku varum!
Appa neenga pinnadi irundhuTank-la thalli vittudunga Erumbu out...!

Posted by Aarthy

The most important things when you wakeup everyday..

Pray - so that you may live

Bath - so that others may live too!!!

Posted by Aarthy

What is 143?

i love you


i miss you


i hate you


i kiss you


143 means...

one hundred and fourty three..

enga school a ipadi thaan sollikuduthanga...

Posted by Aarthy

Kappal kavunthalum kannathil kai vaika koodathu!

yen theriyuma?

kannathil kai vaithaal eppadi neechal adika mudiyum?

No no ala koodathu...

Posted by Aarthy

German Medical Says : "Sighting young people of opposite gender 10 minutes a day reduces hybertension, cardiac problem,..equal to spending 60 minutes in Gym.."


Enjoy sighting..

Posted by Aarthy

Kadhal enbathu busla pora mathiri
Kalyanam enbathu Flighla pora mathiri

Pidikalana Busla irunthu irangikkalam
Flightla irunthu?
